адреса шапка

Production address: Ukraine, 18008, Cherkasy, Smilianska str 149

шапка контакти

Шапка моб

Production and sales

  • Special bodies
  • Commercial equipment
  • Utility vehicles

We produce innovative modular vehicles. We give positive emotions and care to everyone who works with us. MOKA is a reliable partner of your business.

Transform key logistics trends with IOC

Шапка слоган

We produce innovative modular vehicles. We give positive emotions and care to everyone who works with us.
МОКА - is a reliable partner of your business.

About us

Logo Moka horizontal Gray

Due to the attentive attitude to customers, we are confident in positive feedback about our activities.

Thanks to more than 10 years of experience, we confidently declare that we can perform work of varying complexity with all the wishes of the client.

MOKAVTO specializes in the production and supply, re-equipment, technical equipment, current and overhaul, service of commercial and special vehicles, as well as special equipment for various purposes.

The company has a production shop with an area of ​​about 4000 square meters, which is a closed area with a fence and located on it production facilities (production shops and warehouses) and infrastructure facilities (administrative building, assembly hall, dining room). In addition, the warehouses have a loading and unloading ramp.

The production cycle of the enterprise is based on the conveyor principle of production, which allows you to proudly declare (on the basis of executed contracts) the possibility of serial production. For this purpose, the appropriate material and technical base of the enterprise has been formed, which includes metalworking, welding, galvanic, painting equipment, assembly shops, warehouses, trucks and equipment.

The uniqueness of our company is that over the years it has formed an engineering and design bureau, which provides work for individual customer requests in the field of superstructures for car chassis, trailers and semi-trailers. Our final product is a special freight or commercial transport.

All design developments are carried out taking into account state standards and norms, which is confirmed by the successful completion of state certification and registration of products in accordance with applicable law.

MOKAVTO provides customers with turnkey services, from the development of design documentation and production to certification and state registration.
In our work, we, above all, value quality and professionalism, which allows us to remain in demand among customers with different business needs and financial capabilities.

MOKAVTO provides a guarantee for service and after-sales service for each type of product.

The mission of our production is the idea of ​​long-term and fruitful cooperation with customers.